
Main: Taø –> Blurrior –> Paddingtøn (druid)
Rank: Officer
Date of birth in WoW: 2005, July 22

First char played: a druid, then Cataldus (a mage)

Known alts: Bluequiver (Hunter), Blueshield (Death Knight), Shamaldo (shaman), Blurrior (warrior), Taø (Monk), Bluedaemon (Demon Hunter)

Favourite mount / pet: Magnificent Flying Carpet / Lurky

Favourite raid / instance: Black Temple / Dire Maul

Favourite BG: Eye of the Storm

3 favourite zones: Darnassus, Feralas, Nagrand (Outlands)

Favourite drink / food: everything, i’m a Panda IRL!!!

3 random items in bank: Totem of Harmony, Winter Veil Disguise Kit (/dance), Puntable Marmot

Paddingtøn Armory Link

previous chars: Blurrior

this was Taø in all his glory:

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