Main: Cinque
Rank: Legend of Prelude
Date of birth in WoW: 2005, October 22
First char played: Cinq, a mage
Known alts: Nightydruid (Druid), Drommels (Warlock), Mygnome (Hunter), Crumpy (Horde Hunter), Myelf (Horde priest), Voido (Monk)
Favourite mount / pet: Squeakers, The Trickster and pet Egbert
Favourite raid / instance: Molten Core, Karazhan, The Sunwell, Ulduar ...
But many more.
Favourite BG: Arathi Basin
3 favourite zones: The Jade Forest, Suramar, Stranglethorn Vale
Favourite drink / food: Potion of Replenishment, Abyssal-Fried Rissole
3 random items in bank: The hunt for Light’s Wrath,
Bindings of the Windseeker, Quivering Firestorm egg