April's Fool

Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to our monthly roundup.
Our beloved Guild Master decided to surprise us on the 1st of April and give us a new tabard…

Luckily it didn’t stick!
In the meantime the raid team has downed 2 more bosses and we are still actively recruiting some dps classes. We also did a few achievement runs in Ulduar, ICC and Halion on heroic which bought back some terrifying experiences for some us. A few guildies still needed to complete the 5.1 quests for the legendary which meant doing some dreaded PVP for The Lion Roars. As it turned out, despite the initial extreme annoyance, it got a few of us to eventually enjoy pvp and even try some arena! Have no fear, we are still a bunch of nubs having a laugh.

Hugs and welcome to the people who joined us this month: Anistheticx, Beremeverman, Brêwsleê, Dakiola, Draconess and Krell.

See you next month and remember: Never use a dwarf to measure the depth of the water.


P.S – Gnome Overboard – for all those pesky gnomes out there.